Position Statement
Portland Fellowship is an organization dedicated to glorifying Jesus Christ by proclaiming His desire and power to release people from unwanted same-sex attraction
Portland Fellowship upholds the biblical truth that heterosexuality is God’s creative intent for humanity; therefore, we view homosexual expression as outside of God’s will. We recognize homosexual tendencies as being among the many disorders that beset fallen humanity. We consider choosing to act upon these tendencies through assuming a homosexual identity, involvement in a homosexual relationship or other homosexual behaviors to be destructive and sinful. 'Freedom' does not mean you won't struggle or get tempted, but it does mean that as you walk closer to the Lord and lay down your own life, your own will, your own way of relating, you began to learn God's good and perfect will and plan for your life. As we live, each day, in His will, we experience all He has for us, even as the enemy attacks and discourages. Freedom in Christ is living a victorious life, an abundant life. God desires this for all his children. If you feel you are not living a victorious life, walk closer to him, through this series, and find the hope, that can only be found only in Christ.
Our methodology includes biblical instruction, spiritually-oriented accountability groups, trained lay-counseling, personal testimonies and professional referrals to help the individual discover his or her true identity in Christ. In addition, we equip churches and individuals to effectively communicate the message of liberation from same-sex attraction. We also provide support to those who have loved ones dealing with same-sex attraction.
Portland Fellowship is a non-profit, interdenominational ministry. We do not support political agendas or candidates. We are not a mental-health agency. We do not practice reparative (or conversion) therapy, as those goals and methodology differ to the stated goals of Portland Fellowship. Please call the office for more clarity and additional understanding.